Creating New User Accounts
DMM does not allow credential sharing.
Anyone using the Portal should be logging in with their own email and password. If you do not have your own Portal credentials, you should request a new user account from your DMM Portal Administrator.
DMM Portal Video Tutorial: Creating New Users
Download the How-to PDF Guide:
To create a new user(s):
Note: You must have Portal Administrator access in order to create new users.
Go to
Under Existing Users, login with your email and password
Click Profile > Add New User
Enter the new user's name and email address
If you want the new user to be able to add and edit other users and reset passwords, click the box to grant them Administrator access. Otherwise, leave the box unchecked.
Read and check the acknowledgment
Click the Save User Button
The Portal will automatically send the new user an email containing a registration link. The new user must click this link and complete the registration before they will be able to login to the Portal.
To manage an existing user(s):
Note: You must have Portal Administrator access in order to manage other users.
Go to
Under Existing Users, login with your email and password
Click Profile > All Users
Click a users ID number (left hand column) to open that user's profile page
Remember to click the Save Button at the bottom of the user's profile page if you make any changes to the profile.
Buttons for all available user account actions are located at the bottom of each user's profile page. Click the appropriate button to reset passwords and activate or deactivate accounts.
User Status & Troubleshooting:
The current status of all users will appear on the Profile > All Users page.
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