Paying for Portal Services
After investigation, most of the time we find that you are not paying twice, you are paying for two different services. Because the fees for the two services sometimes both amount to $60.00 each, we understand why this can easily be confusing and misleading for new users.
To Clarify Further...
The first payment you made is the docUmods document preparation fee ($129.00 before discount bringing it to $60.00). The second payment is the Servicer Portal submission fee ($60.00 per mortgage).
Previously, docUmods was a stand-alone program on a completely different website. Before the last site upgrade, you made the payment on the docUmods website ( and then used the DMM Web Portal ( to submit the documents to the Servicer. To make things easier on the party making the submission, we incorporated docUmods into the DMM Web Portal during the last site upgrade so the entire process could be completed using one website instead of two. We also did this so some of the information would not need to be reentered a second time (once on each website).
Here is the typical breakdown of Portal fees:
1. Document preparation with docUmods (included in court program) - $60.00
2. Document preparation with docUmods (not part of court program) - $129.00
3. Servicer Submission Fee - $60.00 / per mortgage
4. Borrower Enrollment in docUPREP Program - $250.00 + Servicer Submission Fee
5. Program Manager Fee - $300.00 / select jurisdictions only
Requesting a Refund
If you believe you have been incorrectly charged, you can request a refund by contacting the Stretto DMM Support Desk.
When requesting a refund, please make sure to include the borrower’s name and case number, and a brief description of the reason you are requesting the refund.
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